Sunday, March 27, 2011

Religion Education for Universities : Solution or Problem?

Age of Globalization really has penetrated into the soul of all the people in this world. Teenagers today is much different from the first. Teenagers these days, especially school and university students, have common problems are often encountered, among other things, they easily influenced by foreign cultures, easily provoked and angry so often encountered antarpelajar and inter-student brawl. Not only that, drugs and illegal drugs to sex seems to be a trend among today's youth. As if they all do not have the moral and the foundation for a better life. The teenagers who have fallen will be difficult to return. Like a fish that has swallowed the hook is released by fishermen. It would be difficult withdrawn completely into the stomach. Some observers also say that people's dependence on modern technology products is now increasing. This would indicate a change in mindset and lifestyle of the people into consumptive and materialistic lifestyle of worship.

For this reason, it is necessary to a basic, platform and solution for avoiding it all, and religious education is one way. With the existence of religious education in college, students can more moral. All religions in Indonesia must be taught to not terjurumus into the "dark world" that could destroy the morale of the nation. Religious education in college will complete religious education gained since we were born. If all the people in Indonesia is the practice of their religious teachings very well, not impossible Indonesia will be more severe and more advanced than the superpower countries like Russia, Japan, the United States and others. 

However, the reality on the ground, not that easy. Religious education in college is sometimes considered senagai "complementary" subjects only. In fact it could be considered "problem" by those who do not understand the importance of religious education. They may think that religious education is only adding to the burden because their time is wasted just to attend a religious lecture. Not only that the religious subjects deemed not determine the weight of academic graduation, as subjects, other subjects. Religious lectures have also carried out mass quantities of students who "overload" in one room which was attended by students from various faculties and departments on the grounds of efficiency.


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