Sunday, March 27, 2011

Angels (ملاك) Pray for Us

Insya Allah, here are the deeds of the Prophet Sunnah teach, to pray for the angels also participated in our favor, both for the world and the hereafter. (Source: Dr Sheikh. Fadhl Divine, 'The people who prayed for Angels', Pustaka Ibnu Kathir)

1. People who sleep in a state of purificationRasulullah SAW said, "Anyone who sleeps in a pure state, then the angels will be with him in the clothes. He will not wake up to angel praying 'O God, forgive your servant so and so because he slept in a holy state'. (Imam Ibn Hibbaan narrated from Abdullah bin Umar ra., This hadith by Sheikh Al Albani dishahihkan in Saheeh At Targhib wat Tarhib I/37)

2. People who were sitting waiting for prayer timeRasulullah SAW said, "It is not one of you who sit waiting for the prayer, as long as he is in a pure state, except the angels will pray for him 'O Allah, forgive ia.Ya God pity she'" (Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Hurairah ra., Saheeh Muslim, no. 469)

3. The people who are in rows front row in congregational prayersRasulullah SAW said, "Verily, Allah and His angels bershalawat to (people - people) who are in rows - rows ahead" (Imam Abu Dawood (and Ibn Khuzaimah) from Barra 'ibn' Azib ra., This hadith by Sheikh dishahihkan Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood I/130)

4. The people who connect the rows to pray (do not leave a vacuum in the rows)Rasulullah SAW said, "Verily, Allah and the angels are always bershalawat to people - people who connect the rows - rows" (The Imam is Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibbaan and Al-Hakim narrated from 'A'ishah., This hadith by Sheikh dishahihkan Al-Albani in Saheeh At Targhib wat Tarhib I/272)

5. The angels say 'Aamiin' when a priest finished reading Al-FatihahRasulullah SAW said, "If a priest read 'ghairil maghdhuubi' alaihim waladh dhaalinn ', then say it by you guys' aamiin', because whoever it coincides with the greeting speech of angels, then he will be forgiven of past sins." (Imam Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah ra., Sahih Bukhari, no. 782)

6. People who sit in the place of prayer after performing prayersRasulullah SAW said, "The angels will always bershalawat (pray) to one of you as long as he is in the place of prayer where he prayed, as long as he has not been canceled wudhunya, (the angels) say, 'Oh, God forgive and pity he" (Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurairah, Al-Musnad no. 8106, Sheikh Ahmad Shakir menshahihkan this hadith)

7. People - people who do pray Fajr and 'Asr in congregationRasulullah SAW said, "The angels gathered at the time of Fajr prayer and the angels (that accompanied the servant) at night (which was on duty the night until Fajr) climbed (to heaven), and angels in the day stay. Then they gathered again at the time of prayer 'Asr and angels who are assigned to during the day (to pray' Asr) rise (the sky) while the angel was on duty at night to stay, then God asked them, 'How did you leave my servant? " , they replied, 'We came while they were performing prayers and we leave them while they were performing prayers, then forgive them on the Day of Resurrection' "(Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurairah ra., Al Musnad no. 9140, this hadith dishahihkan by Shaykh Ahmad Shakir)

8. People who pray for his brother without the knowledge of those who prayedRasulullah SAW said, "Prayer of a Muslim for his brother who carried out without the knowledge of those who prayed the prayer to be granted. On his head is an angel who became deputy for him, every time he prayed for his brother with a good, then the angel said, 'aamiin; you get what he got' "
Therefore, a new taste of the awesomeness again present in you guys. Feel how the deeds-deeds that simple Sunnah is brought back to the figure which I know!


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